We are excited to announce the upcoming release of the New Features on Xcore, Whitelist IP Addresses for XCore Connectors and Backup and Restore XCore Configuration.
Whitelist IP Addresses for XCore Connectors:
The Whitelisting feature will allow XCore users to Update Whitelisted IPs of an Existing Connector and Whitelist IPs of a New Connector conveniently on the fly, without the help of PrimeXM Support team.
Key Advantages:
- Simplify FIX clients onboarding, rapid deployment of new connector
- Full Transparency for compliance and security purpose
- Visibility to access list for troubleshooting
- Independent disaster recovery and fail-over management
Backup and Restore XCore Configuration:
The Backup and Restore feature on the XCore Pending Config Component is designed to enable XCore users to roll back the XCore settings to a recent restoration point without any involvement from the PrimeXM Support team.
Key Advantages:
- Fast recovery from last saved configurations
- Avoid time-consuming and complex manual corrections on settings
- Simplified process to revert multiple component changes
- 5 XCore setting backups can be saved and restored
Feel free to contact your Relationship Manager to find out more about our new products and services.