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Industry Leading Trading Engine
MT4/MT5 Solutions
Bridge & MT Analytics
Institutional Hosting Solutions
Highly secure State-of-the-art Trading Infrastructure
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Network & Security
Ultra-low Latency & Superior Security Levels

Industry's Leading Fintech Provider




最终的金融托管解决方案, 您可以借此实现超低延迟和卓越的安全级别的清算环境。


为您提供MT4 / MT5桥接技术或完全托管的白标的一 站式解决方案。

Our institutional grade Infrastructure is the heart of our business, and our cutting edge technology is the heartbeat.

Key Provider

PrimeXM is an award-winning technology provider to the global financial industry, providing cutting edge aggregation software, ultra-low-latency connectivity, institutional grade hosting.

Tailored Solutions

We can help you identify the most sophisticated solution for your business and answer any queries about our products and services. Request a call back and one of our advisers will be in touch.


Meeting the high demands of the market, PrimeXM has chosen Equinix LD4, NY4, TY3 ,and SH5,for co-located low latency connectivity, as our infrastructure hubs.

Trusted by the Industry's Leaders

Company Latest News

We are here to help you!

We can help you identify the most sophisticated solution for your business and answer any queries about our products and services. Request a call back and one of our advisers will be in touch.